Did you enjoy the book selections for our winter season? You can't go wrong with Dickens, and prayer is always something that warrants time for improvement. Once you have finished with these books, don't forget to pass them on. They won't do anyone any good on your book shelf. If you don't have anyone you would like to share them with, please consider donating your copies to the church library.
I was hoping for a better turnout at this month's discussion group. Book sales were excellent for this choice--it's the first time we've ever sold out of all the copies that were purchased! Obviously, everyone likes the reading part. I'm just not sure how to encourage more to participate in the discussion part of belonging to a book club. We have tried day meetings, night meetings, and various days of the week, but never had a really strong showing of those who have registered. I welcome any suggestions you may have on how we can get this going.
If you were unable to attend, here is a link to the study guide with my personal notes.
Study Guide w/Responses: Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To
Our spring selection is the first encyclical letter of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, "Deus Caritas Est, God Is Love." It's true, our Holy Father is a brilliant theologian, but you don't have to feel at all intimidated about reading this work. It is written in a highly accessible style and has many beautiful reflections about God's love for us and how we are meant to respond to that boundless affection and care.
Copies of the book are available for pick up or purchase in St. Patrick's Book & Gift Store. There are also copies of the accompanying study guide, or you are welcome to print it from the link below or from the link on the church website.
Study Guide: Deus Caritas Est, God Is Love
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